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Injection lipolysis

Injection lipolysis

Fat reduction


Aesthetic medicine in a minimally invasive way brings satisfaction and smile to one person. A slim, perfect silhouette is a challenge for many people. With the help of exercise alone, a properly selected diet, we are unable to achieve a dream figure or even reduce cellulite. Modeling the figure of the body, consisting in getting rid of unnecessary fat tissue, is possible to achieve with the help of injection lipolysis a modern method of aesthetic medicine, allowing for a non-surgical reduction of body fat.

This method is dedicated both to women and men who want to get rid of excess body fat, bypassing the procedure of surgical liposuction. The procedure consists in injecting in the area of ​​the location of excessive fat tissue a preparation containing as main components phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid. Phosphatidylcholine in combination with deoxycholic acid - combined in adipose tissue causes rupture of fat cells (adipocytes) After entering the cell they cause the breakdown of fat into triglycerides and fatty acids. Then, with the circulatory and lymphatic systems, they are transported together with lipoproteins to the liver, where fat is broken down and excreted from the body. The process of excretion from the body lasts from 14 to 28 days. Phosphatidylcholine is obtained from soybeans. So far, it has been used to treat, among others lipid disorders and fat embolism.

As the first in the world, Dr. Ratricia Rittes started using the injection lipolysis method. He administered patients with a phosphatidylcholine in fat pads in the area of ​​the lower eyelids, leading to their complete disappearance. As a result, phosphatidylcholine was started to be used in other areas of the body, ie the body, thighs, calves and abdominal area.

How does the injection lipolysis procedure work?

Before the planned treatment, the doctor conducts an accurate interview with the patient regarding past and current diseases in order to qualify for the procedure. A treatment plan is then established, the treatment areas are marked exactly. The procedure takes about 30-50 minutes. However, it is necessary to add the time needed for medical consultation and anesthesia, which is individual for each person.


Anesthetic is applied to selected areas for about 15 minutes. The next step is thorough disinfection of the skin. The lipolytic solution is injected, at a fixed dose, directly into the adipose tissue that the patient wants to reduce. Next, ultrasounds are performed in this area to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells and a short drainage massage is performed, which the patient repeats himself at home every day.


What are the possible reactions immediately after the procedure?

Immediately after the procedure, a slight redness, swelling and burning or itching sensation occurs immediately at the application site, which can last up to two days.

After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to his daily activities and physical activity, but post-operative swelling, which lasts up to two weeks, should be considered.

Possible late extrafinal reactions

  • Itching, redness of the skin, burning, minor blisters, feeling of pressure and discomfort
  • The most commonly occurring reaction is swelling, lasting up to 7-21 days.
  • There may also be less frequent symptoms in the form of small nodules in the treatment area, unevenness associated with uneven adipose tissue removal
  • Increased sweating, short-term weakness, vegetative disorders, fever, diarrhea, bleeding between menses in women.

During convalescence, to relieve all ailments, you can use anti-inflammatories, analgesics, as well as antihistamines. It is important to drink a lot of water.

Do not drink alcohol!

Is the procedure safe?

Lipolysis injection is safe and minimally invasive. The procedure should be carried out by a qualified medical team in appropriate sterile conditions.

Can one get the desired effect after one injection lipolysis treatment?

The number of treatments necessary to carry out depends on the thickness of fat in the place from which you want to remove it. For best results, we recommend repeating lipolysis 2 - 4 times at intervals of approximately 4 - 6 weeks. This is due to the fact that during a single treatment the patient can not be given too much lipolytic solution. However, many patients do not have one treatment. For better results, the treatment should be repeated.


When will the effects of the treatment be visible?

The effect after injection lipolysis can be observed after about 3 - 4 weeks after the procedure. After the treatment the skin is firm, smooth and tense, because light controlled postoperative inflammation causes cramps and rebuilding of collagen fibers. Thanks to this, you do not have to worry about excess skin after removing fat.

Important! Patients with a high obesity problem will not be effective.


  • double chin,
  • fat tissue on the stomach
  • fatty tissue on the thighs
  • adipose tissue in the buttocks area
  • "Bull's" neck
  • adipose tissue near the forearm "pelicans"
  • fat panels around the armpits
  • adipose tissue around the knees


  • diabetes,
  • kidney and liver disease,
  • thyroid disease,
  • blood diseases associated with excessive bleeding,
  • permanent admission of warfarin, aspirin or other blood thinners
  • allergies to one of the ingredients of the preparation,
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • autoimmune diseases

Contraindications relative to the procedure are:

  • significant obesity (BMI> 30)
  • menstrual disorders
  • In people under the age of 18, injection lipolysis is not performed.

Clinical effects






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1200.00 zł



1200.00 zł



1200.00 zł


Outer thighs

1200.00 zł


Inner thighs

1200.00 zł



800.00 zł



1200.00 zł



800.00 zł



800.00 zł



1200.00 zł



900.00 zł



600.00 zł



600.00 zł


Cheeks and chin

900.00 zł

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