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Collagen - protein of youth



Time passes constantly, negatively affecting the condition of our skin. Already after the age of 25, a gradual and unavoidable process of weakening and disappearance of collagen fibers begins. The skin becomes less elastic, thin and flaccid, wrinkles begin to appear.

Contemporary aesthetic medicine offers a number of treatments to meet the expectations of contemporary men and women. Minimally invasive treatments that bring spectacular results in the form of restoring brilliance, freshness and skin elasticity are the most sought-after procedures.

Collagen bioregeneration of the skin

Collagen is the most important supporting fiber of the skin, affecting the smoothness, tension and adequate level of skin hydration. Comparable to scaffolding. In people at a young age collagen fibers are strong and this support is permanent, over time it begins to weaken and becomes unstable. With age, he starts to lose it. Delicate, lacking in firmness and elasticity, the skin easily undergoes the "force of gravity", as a result of which the eyelids start to fall, the oval of the face distorts, "chokes" and "saggy" chin appear. Countering these inevitable processes is supplementing collagen deficiencies and eliminating its losses.

AteloKolagen LINERASE is a new generation anti-aging therapy for the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. Awarded with the Pearl of Aesthetic Dermatology prize therapy ateloKoloagenem type I for skin injection, dedicated to the most delicate areas of the face and body. She was awarded by the Association of Aesthetic Dermatologists. LINERASE allows reconstruction of the dermis and collagen structures found in it. High bioactivity effectively stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, as a result of which the skin condition is significantly improved. It has a younger appearance, is much more flexible and resilient.

Where is collagen?


In the cornea of the eye there is a crystalline form of collagen. It is also found in internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver. In the human body it accounts for about 30% of all proteins. Responsible for cell adhesion and regeneration, elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is considered to be an ideal biomaterial for reconstruction and reconstruction of tissues. The dermis is 70-85% collagen (Type I-80%, Type III-20%), 2% elastin and 0.03-0.09% hyaluronic acid.


After the age of 25, the process of collagen depletion begins, irreversible, consisting in slowing down its production and increasing its degradation. The collagen balance is disturbed, the body itself is unable to rebuild collagen fibers.

The first symptom of this process are wrinkles appearing on the skin. Aesthetic medicine offers treatments to improve flexibility, reduce wrinkles, etc. One of the most effective anti-aging therapies is atelokoganeg LINERASE. It is a breakthrough treatment that improves the density and elasticity of the skin, contributing to its internal reconstruction.


LINERASE is a class III medical device. It is a new generation of heterologous type I collagen, which is lyophilized, highly purified without the use of proteolytic enzymes. At present, it is the only bioactive, non-detoxified type I atelocollagen available, intended for the reconstruction and regeneration of the most delicate areas of the face and body.

LINERASE has two-way action. It stimulates fibroblasts to synthesize new fibers of endogenous collagen and stimulates the proliferation of new fibroblasts to the synthesis of new collagen fibers. LINERASE optimally rebuilds and regenerates the skin.

Which areas of the body are subjected to the LINERASE treatment?

The high level of safety allows the use of LINERASE in every area of ​​the face and body. It is recommended for the eyes, lips, neck, cleavage, hands or stomach.



What is the procedure of the procedure?

LINERASE is easy to inject due to its liquid formula. Just before the procedure, the doctor prepares the preparation used during the procedure. After the surgery, a gentle massage of the treated area is recommended. The full treatment treatment consists of 2-4 treatments performed at an interval of 14-21 days. The doctor informs about the frequency of confluence during the consultation. The correct classification of the patient for surgery is a guarantee of satisfaction and treatment effects. The first effects are noticeable after the first treatment. The skin is much more elastic, tense. The final effect of firming, regenerating and improving skin thickening is achieved after full therapy. The results of the treatment last up to 12 months. It is recommended to perform 1 treatment with an interval of 3 months.





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1000.00 zł


Face + neck

1000.00 zł


Face + neck + cleavage

1500.00 zł



1000.00 zł


Аround the eyes

400.00 zł



1000.00 zł



1000.00 zł

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